The Easy Social Media family has grown a little bigger in 2018 with the arrival of jack-of- all-trades, master-of- most social media superstar Francois Thorne. Francois brings with him an extremely varied background, landing on our doorstep after stints working in the restaurant business, car sales in BMW and as a Clinic Manager at the Advanced Hair Studio, to name few! Francois’ affable nature and passion for all things social have made him an instant hit with clients and colleagues alike. We thought we’d get to know him a little better by asking the tough questions!
What would you be if you could be anything (aside from a social media wizard, of course!)?
Anything? Oh a fish, no doubt. I love swimming.
What would your superpower be?
I’d love to fly – what’s more awesome than a flying fish?
Would you rather battle one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?
One horse sized duck, not because I’m scared of the tiny horses, but I am allergic!
Serious question – pineapple on a pizza, yes or no?
No. Nope. Absolutely not. That should be made illegal.
Lastly, what’s your favourite meme?
The one from the recent Superbowl Halftime show of the kid googling ‘Who Is Justin Timberlake’ has me cracking up currently!