FInding success on social media can be a bit like making a tasty meal — there’s a recipe you can follow to help maximise your success (though of course the better the chef, the better the results!). One of our recent superstar accounts that we could all learn a little from has been Olivado.
Olivado are the world’s largest producer of extra virgin cold-pressed avocado oil, with a variety of sumptuous flavours in their ever-expanding range. They came to us looking to translate their real world success into social media fanfare and we sprang into action with a varied content plan to delight the senses.

If you’ve been following our monthly newsletters (which are all available on our website/Facebook page!), you’ll know how effective competitions, videos, and behind-the-scenes content can be. We combined these strategies, along with recipes, healthy tips, and expert targeting to grow their Facebook following into the thousands. Not only that, but their audience are highly engaged, with off-the charts levels of like, comments and shares on most if not all promotions. Recently, content manager Francois (congrats on the great work, Francois!) had barely hit send on a competition before the entries started flooding in, leaping to frenzied levels once the paid advertising promotion went out to our merry band of Olivado evangelists.
If you’re looking to add an extra dash of flavour and spice to your social media recipe, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your content manager about booking in a strategy meeting. We’d love nothing more than to see your wonderful face again and devise a plan to craft something truly delicious. Bön appétit!